Peeps, I am participating in the A to Z Challenge again this year! If you have been visiting my blog then you’ll see loads of post on A to Z…
It’s still winters in some parts of the country, though it came in quite late in Kolkata this time. But hey, you always have an excuse for some warm…
There are times when you want to binge on something healthy yet tasty. That necessarily doesn’t have to be a pack of potato wafers or fried snack, right? If you…
A to Z Challenge 2014Uncategorized
A to Z Challenge Day #26 – Z for Zucchini Frittata
by Tina Basuby Tina BasuOMG I don’t believe it I am posting my 26th post for the A to Z challenge and I am definitely a survivor! Atleast I am happy that I did…
A to Z Challenge 2014CookiesUncategorized
A to Z Challenge Day #25 – Y for Yogurt Cookies
by Tina Basuby Tina BasuHI guys it’s Yogurt cookies today for Y today. It’s really simple to do and is yumm. I added little cinnamon as well to get the cinnamon kick. This isn’t…
A to Z Challenge 2014Uncategorized
A to Z Challenge Day #24 – X for Xmas Cake
by Tina Basuby Tina BasuYo we are at X and two more days on the challenge…after that a week’s rest for me. So what do we have for X? What do you first get…
A to Z Challenge 2014Uncategorized
A to Z Challenge Day #23 – W for Whacky prawn with mango
by Tina Basuby Tina BasuI am seriously late tonight in posting. Its 10:56 pm IST and I just sat down with my laptop. I not only have to edit the photos and write this…
A to Z Challenge 2014Uncategorized
A to Z Challenge Day #22 – V for Vanilla Panna Cotta
by Tina Basuby Tina BasuHello guys so we are at the fag end of the challenge and today is the V day. I have a super awesome recipe today with V. It’s one of…
A to Z Challenge 2014Uncategorized
A to Z Challenge Day #21 – U for Uber Cup Cake
by Tina Basuby Tina BasuHello people we are on your 21stday… yay.. I survived! And hopefully I’ll survive for the next five days as well. So what do I have for my U post?…
A to Z Challenge 2014Uncategorized
A to Z Challenge Day #20 – T for Tea Cake
by Tina Basuby Tina BasuWhat do we have today for T. I had initially thought of doing a Tarte Strawberry or a strawberry tart bu then now its not the season of strawberries here…